Sunday, November 10, 2013

The future is tearing at the cerebellum of the youth: a courtroom drama part 1, starring Vance Bunkmeyer and Cecily Bloodbloom.

Ladies and gentlemen. You're going to hear a lot of things today. A lot of things that are going to upset you. A lot of things that we all wish we were able to put behind us. Leave behind in the past, violent artifacts of a tortured past; mankind's dark secrets. 
The fact is that we all thought we moved beyond this. In this exciting new age of space travel and television, tools for communication to bring us closer to each other, we can still be shocked, as we are shocked now, by what occurred on the evening of March 23rd.  
You're going to hear a lot of things from the district attorney, Mr. Rich over there, about what was done to Ms. Lent in that alley by the harbor where the ships come in. And your going to hear a lot from the assistant DA Mr. Mann, about what was done with those farm implements, allegedly by client, Mr. Sparks Pullman. 

At this point Mr. Story waves his hand towards the defendant who is sitting in the box. Story is a grunting and savage beast of a man, restrained by a faded yellow straight jacket. His wild hair has grown unkempt and dark circles under his eyes betray his mental state and the extent to which exhaustion has set in. Sparks Pullman spits on the floor by the defendants box. It pools on the floor, viscous and tinged with blood. 

You see ladies and gentlemen, my client, Mr. Sparks Pullman, is innocent of these crimes. He did nothing that he is accused of, but f he did, he only did it because he was driven to such destruction by society. You see, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sparks Pullman was driven to horror by the hollow ring of progress that tolls with the lunch whistle at the microwave factory and resonates across the country as Ike's workmen dredge up the soil and lay concrete scars across the great American west and wireless communication means a telegram I wore to Europe will be heard mere minutes later. 
You see ladies and gentlemen, my client mr. Sparks Pullman is innocent. Driven mad by this atomic age, Mr. Sparks Pullman is ... what I am calling ... The Electro Man. 

The defendant snarls and the reek of feces fills the room. 

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